Friday, May 11, 2012

The DRAMA of Newbies (by Samantha)

 Well, Breck has confirmed the next doll is Molly Ann McIntire. She will complete Kirsten and I's club (The Big Three). Breck will hopefully order her tonight.

But Molly won't be the only newbie.

Breck's parents might get her MY AG #55 for her birthday and then Breck might buy McKenna's Starter Collection for herself.

I think that we don't need any more moderns. But Breck will just keep getting them and getting them.



  1. Hi! I love your blog! :)
    I love the picture of all your dolls above.
    ~ Jess

  2. Thanks! I'm very glad that you like the blog.

    That picture took me forever to do. I had to line all the dolls up, get them posed, and hope the wind didn't blow them over. Especially Kirsten. Kirsten is my special doll. I like to keep her in her box when I'm not playing with her.
    And it was edited on PicMonkey.

    -Breck of BEAMdesigns
